
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Easter baskets!

Tonight Neils' cousin and her husband are coming over so I decided to make them little easter basket each and fill them up with some small eggs. I made the baskets from scratch and as per usual didn't follow any template and just winged it! I am happy with how they turned out and had an absolute ball making them ... it is a nice change from cards. I have made them for the Lollipop Ladies challenge blog with the inspiration for the colours coming from their photos and off course Easter with some sparkle/glitter.

I have used Paper Inklings 'family' papers, the 'so tweet' stamp comes from Imaginisce, I have used kindy glitz on the handle and around the edging of the title.

Thanks for looking.


  1. These baskets are adorable Janet, I am sure they will love them!

  2. These are so sweet Janet, and the eggs fit perfectly! Yum!
    Thanks for playing along with the Lollipop Ladies :)

  3. Wow how clever are you, and not using a template (not that I think I could follow one either) these are simply divine. You have inspired me to give them a go. Gorgeous work and thanks for playing with us at the LOLLIPOP LADIES. Melxx

  4. Just loving that cute paper!!!! You've matched the colours perfectly and they are such a great idea.

    Thanks for entering this fortnight at the Lollipop Ladies.

    Trish - Candy Stripe

  5. These are so lovely..thanks for joining us at the lollipop ladies, I am having a blog candy on my personal blog
