
Friday, August 28, 2009

Lauras sketch #33

Wow what a week it has been really windy here in Victoria but the temperature is getting warmer and as all the Northern Hemisphere cardmakers from 2 sketches 4 You gear up for their deathly cold winters ... I gear up for SUMMER!!! yay I can't wait!
I also received my Cardmaking, stamping and papercraft mag (Vol15 #4) yesterday and blow me away I had a card of mine on the cover! I knew I had a set of cards in the magazine but I didn't realise that it was going to be one of the cards to feature on the front cover! I certainly was doing the happy dance!
I managed to slip in Lauras sketch this week and came up with a card that I am happy with. I used Darkroom door stamps and Kaiser papers.
Until next week everyone have a good one!